FailZero 6mm ARC

Full Auto Rated Lightweight

FailZero AR10 BLACK

State-of-the-Art Nickel Boron Bolt Carrier Groups & Much More

From BCGs to optics to accessories, FailZero has turned cutting-edge technology into one of the best weapon upgrades on the planet! UCT Coatings’ patented EXO technology is DoD tested, approved and guaranteed to improve the performance and reliability of your firearms even in the harshest of environments.

Superior Reliability

When failure is not an option, you can depend on FailZero!

My FailZero

Check out a pictorial gallery from some of satisfied customers and send us your pics to post!

FailZero has turned cutting edge technology into one of the best weapon upgrades on the planet! UCT Coatings’ patented EXO technology is DoD tested, approved and guaranteed to improve the performance and realiability of your firearms.

  • Mil-spec quality upgrades for AR15, M16 and M4 firearms
  • Consistent performance under all conditions
  • Cleaner operation for superior reliability
  • Lube-free mission critical parts

FailZero offers EXO Nickel Boron coated Bolt Carrier Groups as complete “drop-in kits” and BCG components. For details, go to our Buy Now page!


FailZero’s 7.62×39 Nickel Boron BCG

Developed during the Second World War, the 7.62×39 cartridge has withstood the test of time and still comes out as a crowd favorite in the firearms world. FailZero’s 7.62×39 Bolt Carrier Groups and 7.62×39 Bolt Assemblies are at the top of their most popular list. What is it about a 7.62×39 that makes it so sought […]

BCG Upgrades Made Easy, by FailZero

FailZero, founded in 2009, is an industry leading company in providing Nickel Boron Bolt Carrier Groups (BCGs). Their parent company, UCT Coatings, provides FailZero with their patented EXO Nickel Boron coating that gives FailZero products superior reliability and durability. This coating technology, along with the finest quality components and world class customer support team has […]

FailZero’s New Nickel Boron BCG – The 6mm ARC

Since 2020 the 6mm Advanced Rifle Cartridge (6mm ARC) has taken off like wildfire in the firearms community. Hornady Manufacturing designed the 6mm ARC to deliver exceptional performance across a range of applications, from precision shooting to hunting. The firearms community has been abuzz due to the versatility and efficiency of this new caliber. It […]

EXO technology provides a permanent dry lubricity to metal surfaces, that improves corrosion and wear resistance. Our Nickel Boron coating reduces friction, simplifies cleaning and maintenance, and extends the life of critical components.

Our team includes individuals with years of experience as law enforcement and active-duty military service. As a result, we understand the perspective and priorities of LE agencies and we know firsthand the need for supreme firearm reliability. FailZero Nickel Boron Bolt Carrier upgrades give LE, security and military professionals the “active weapon advantage” in critical use: no grease to hold grit, no oil to wear off, and no gun-jamming crud on key components.

OEMs and Distributors

Our new state-of-the-art facility has increased production and decreased lead times. If you are an OEM or distributor interested in high quality, high volume production and minimal lead times, contact us now.

FailZero Testimonials

MORE THAN BCGs. CLICK HERE to visit UCT Coatings, Inc, the parent company of FailZero, which offers patented Nickel Boron plating, production, engineering, and analytical capabilities for the following industries: aerospace, defense, automotive, oil & gas, saw blades and more.